In 2008 it was reported in The Times that the death rate for coronaries among Men aged 35-64 in Toulouse was 78 per 100,000. This was compared to 348 in Belfast and 380 in Glasgow. The average drinker consumed the same level of alcohol in all three places, however in Toulouse it was exclusively red wine!
Red wine is one of the oldest beverages known, and consumed moderately, has potentially (according to recent independent research) the following key benefits:
Lowers the risk of coronary heart disease
Helps to prevent Thrombosis
Offers some protection to Dementias, such as Alzheimer’s
Helps to inhibit all 3 stages of Cancer, and Leukaemia
Counters excessive Salt
How? Red wine is a rich source of Resveratrol – an antioxidant and an anti-mutagenic substance.
Red wine also has a high level of Potassium salts that counteracts sodium levels in the body.
Red wine contains life prolonging agents – the flavanoids – which reduce the tendency for cholesterol to clog arteries as well as inhibiting the formation of blood clots.
Alcohol increases high density cholesterol (aka “Good Cholestrol”) that lowers the risk of heart disease and lowers the dangerous low-density cholesterol.
Additives allowed for wine are strictly limited. Wine that is well made is a stable product and should not need additives, other than perhaps those to control oxidation and the attack of micro organisms.
Virtually all wine contains natural sulphites.
Good winemakers always use Sulphur Dioxide sparingly. SO2 is harmless when used at the right levels, and is something that is found in many foodstuffs. Most wine contains this substance hence the reason in some countries to include ‘Wine contains sulphites’ on the label.
Red wines contain much lower levels of SO2 in total.
Main Source: Understanding Wine Technology - David Bird MW.